
About Me
My Wysp gallery - Outside of my own website, this is my truest collection of my serious work gathered on a social platform. This gallery includes a few interview questions on the side, to give viewers a better understanding of who I am as an artist.
My Fine Art America page - Another serious gallery, this one with less focus on the social aspect, and more on providing commercial products with prints of my artwork.
My DeviantArt page - All sorts of work, both serious and not. I've been on DA since I was in high school (mostly to keep tabs on friends), and a large portion of my artwork there is cartoons and fanart. However, much of the serious work I have posted there is accompanied by much more thorough explanations of the processes employed and conceptual underpinnings being explored. I also generally keep up with my journal there.
Rebecca Tripp - One of my closest friends, and an absolutely incredible musician and artist in her own right. Her music is heavily inspired by the music of video game franchises such as The Legend of Zelda and Final Fantasy. This is a link to her YouTube channel, where she regularly posts new material.
Misty Luther - Another close friend whose work continually impresses me. Originally from Montana, but living now in the Portland, OR area, she does extremely detail-oriented character work. She's usually open for commissions, so if you're interested, drop her a line. This link goes to her DeviantArt page.
Amanda Snyder - A wonderful comic artist and friend of mine who lives in the suburbs of Chicago. Her comic Checkout Lane is all about the everyday experiences of a grocery store cashier, and has been published in an anthology, with a second volume on the way soon!
Andrea Montano - A friend of mine from Ringling. She's a fantastic illustrator and comic artist from Colombia, now living in New Jersey with her husband Tim (who is also a great comic artist).
Kyler Dannels - Another friend from Ringling. A designer and illustrator by trade, and a very good one at that.
Jeff Schwartz - A Sarasota artist, and my painting instructor at Ringling. He has exhibited across the United States, in New York, Seattle and Washington, D.C., as well as many times locally in the Sarasota/Tampa Bay area.
Kirk Gower - A colleague of mine from Emily Carr.
Susan Aili - Another artist from Emily Carr. Her work is mainly concerned with exploring the effects of industrialization upon the world around us.
Landon Mackenzie - My former instructor at Emily Carr, and a very well respected Vancouver artist.