
October 2023
October 27, 2023
Things have been relatively quiet for the past few months. For the most part, I've been in my studio producing new work, and making submissions to art shows for 2024. Nothing concrete there to announce yet, but I'll keep you posted. The Rebel Artists of Whatcom markets have unfortunately been slowing down as well, due to lack of public interest as well as safety concerns at our usual location.
However, with that said, I am very pleased to announce that tomorrow-- Saturday, October 28-- Rebel Artists of Whatcom will be holding another market from 11 AM - 4 PM at Commercial Street Plaza in downtown Bellingham, WA. This will be my first one since August, and it promises to be a special one. This time, we're pairing with Wonderz Market, which itself has several vendors, and shutting down Commercial Street for a much larger event. There will be over 50 vendors selling an assortment of items ranging from local fine art and crafts, to clothing, jewelry, and stationery-- a perfect place to go for some early holiday shopping. There will even be food and live music! Come down and check it out tomorrow if you're in the area-- it should be a very fun time!
Lastly, on a different note-- followers of mine may recall that a few years ago, I was featured in a publication called Jet Fuel Review, a literary journal run out of Lewis University near Chicago. Specifically, I submitted a pair of my Circuit Figures, Perception Virus and Magic Mirror, which were printed in Issue #18 (Fall 2019). The issue is still available for reading in the archives on their website. Recently, though, I was informed that I was also selected to be one of their featured artists for Fall 2023 as well! How exciting!
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